Over the summer, I built and launched a LOC PRECISION IRIS YANK 4″ rocket with an Aerotech H283 engine. The launch and recovery were successful earning me my NAR L1 certification. (NAR – National Association of Rocketry, L1 – Level 1)
This process taught me so much. I learned how to use tools like epoxy and sanders, applications like RockSim, and how to set a delay on an Aerotech engine. To get my certification, I also had to find or calculate the center of gravity and pressure.
I am excited to see where my NAR L1 certification will take me. An L1 certification allows you to purchase H and I class impulse motors. I look forward to applying the skills I learned in college, at my internship and jobs, in my daily life, and for future model rocketry projects.
Check out some videos below!
On board camera (taken with an Estes model rocketry camera)
Field view of rocket launch: